Ever wished that cosmetics and beauty would come cheaper? It actually does. Instead of running to the mall to buy your favourite brand, make your own using an inexpensive tool - vinegar.
There are quite a few methods to care for your skin using vinegar, as you'll see here
- Mixing vinegar and onion juice may help reducing the appearance of age spots on your face. Make sure you mixture contains equal amounts of vinegar and onion juice. It may take a few weeks for results, but just be patient and stick with it.
- Vinegar and water mixed to form a 50-50 solution can be used to a cleanser and toner for your face.
- Apple cinder vinegar can be used an effective aftershave which keeps the trimmed areas soft and free from bacteria.
- Soaking your finger tips in vinegar for a minute and then dip it in warm water before applying nail polish to help it last longer.
- A mixture of apple cinder vinegar and cool water helps to clean your hands and get rid of visible dirt.
- Adding one tablespoon of vinegar to your hair works as a conditioner and keeps your hair shinier and cleaner.
- Massage vinegar into your hair before shampooing to keep your hair dandruff free.
wow! i'd definetly try that!
It really does work dude.
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