Friday, September 5, 2008

Natural Remedies For Dark Circles

Dark circles under the eye are the best expressways of exhaustion and strain. But even after nights when you've got enough sleep, you wake up to find the curse on you. Here are ways how you get rid of them :

  1. Ensure that you get enough sleep every night (seven to nine hours suggested).
  2. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and ensure that you're eating lots of fruits and vegetables, especially green ones. Also, ensure that you're drinking lots of water every day and avoid salty foods as much as possible.
  3. Lie down and place cucumber slices over your eyes for 10 minutes. Research proves that cucumbers help in reducing dark circles.
  4. Smoking causes your blood vessels to be more prominent under your eyes, so here's another reason to quit smoking.
These home remedies should be useful as far as skin care is concerned. If any problem still persists, you might want to consult your doctor.

Friday, August 22, 2008

How to Identify A Liar

A new study in London has suggested that a person could differentiate between a lie and the truth by looking into the eyes of the speaker.

The Journal of Non-verbal Behaviour revealed that people blink less than normal when they lie and then follow it up with a flurry of blinks that's upto eight times faster than usual.

The scientist's reasoning for the rare blinking is that greater mental efforts are required for lying as the unreal stories have to be created on the way and expressed in such a way that the listener is convinced. The flurry of blinking was reasoned out to be the real of energy after the tension of lying.

This varying rate of blinking is found only in liars, while the ones who tell the truth have a consistent blink rate. In the coming days, professionals could use blink rates to catch liars.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Reasons to Volunteer

Volunteering is the one of the most satisfying activities of people. The very feeling that your are helping out a person who is not as fortunate as you are gives an immense feeling of satisfaction. All of us would have done it at some time in our lives and felt the experience. What else do you gain from volunteering?

  • Volunteering involves doing uncommon things to help out other people. This gives an entirely new experience to us which increases creativity and broadens our horizon.
  • Volunteering decreases ignorance and increases understanding of other people. Relationships can flourish under this character.
  • Volunteering removes all barriers between people and gives opportunities to meet different kinds of people.
  • Volunteering removes the stress from hectic personal and business life.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Tips for a Healthy Voice

Do you find yourself not thinking about your voice and only exercise your body? Well, you shouldn't be, say the people of the University of Michigan Health System. Our voice is an important aspect of us. It tells about one's personality and emotions and have a positive impact on people.

Methods to keep your voice in shape :

  • Your vocal chords vibrate fast. Keeping them well lubricated is important for your voice. This can be done by drinking enough water and avoiding caffeine. Fruits such as watermelon, peaches, apples, pears, grapes and plums also help in keeping the vocal chords hydrated.
  • Take a break between bursts of speech if you're engaged in talking a lot.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking raising the risk of throat cancer tremendously and inhalation of smoke can irritate the vocal chords.
  • Speak softly and avoid yelling or screaming even if it is a noisy public place.
  • Don't clear your throat too often. You have two vocal chords, which slam against each other when you clear your throat. This can make your voice hoarse. Instead, try sipping a glass of water to clear your throat. In case if this persists, check out with your doctor.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Memory Exercises

Memory plays a key role in our day-to-day life. It's very important that we remember what we're expected to no matter if we're a student, a worker or a businessman. But do you find yourself forgetting things too often or do you think you've got a good memory but you'd like to make it even sharper. Either way, these tip would help.

  • Listen to music for a while everyday. Most importantly, listen to what you enjoy. Research has found that music does actually enter your brain.
  • Read often, whether it's a novel or a magazine. If you haven't got the time to read novels, then go through your newspaper for at least a little while everyday.
  • Research has found ways that improve your memory in ways you would've originally felt guilty of - the computer! It has been found out that surfing the web can stimulate cells and computer games can strengthen your memory.
  • Take the bus to a place you've hardly been to and concentrate on the route. Try to get back by the same route without asking for directions.
Your first memory assignment should be to learn these tips so that you can use them as you wish!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

IAFL Translation & Interpretation Services

In case you're lost with language and need help with business or personal scripts, then you require the IAFL Translation & Interpretation Services to help you sort out your problem.

The IAFL Translation & Interpretation Services provide translation, interpretation and subtitling among other services in almost all common Indian languages and foreign languages like English, Farsi and Arabic.

Translation does help a great deal in communicating with potential customers and officials since you are connecting to them in their own language. The act of communicating with people in their own language can be replaced by nothing and greatly helps improve your global image.

IAFL Translation & Interpretation Services also provide subtitling and dubbing among other services. Service is also provided to minor requests making it flexible to all users. Most requests are responded to with one hour. For the list of other services, click here.

IAFL Translation & Interpretation Services
HS 27 FF
Kailash Colony
New Delhi 110048
All contact info available here
Tel: +91-11-29235313 / 29240035 / 29241036
Fax: +91-11-29235557, +44-870-458-0179
Working hours : 1500 GMT - 0100 GMT
Tel. (after office hours): +091-11-2621-2873, +91-11-4101-1843, +91-98111-49584

Click here to visit website

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What's scary about Friday the Thirteenth?

The coming Friday is 13th of this month. So what? Well, I'm sure you must have heard of this belief - Friday the thirteenth is unlucky (very, actually). As you would've expected, there's no scientific logic behind it, it's just belief.

The fear of it, is actually made up of two separate fears - one for the number 13 and the other for Friday.

The number 13 is considered unlucky because it is the number of people who were present at the Last Supper (Jesus and his 12 apostles). Judas, the apostle who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th of them to arrive. The fear of Friday is related to Jesus too. It is believed that Jesus was crucified on a Friday.

There's a Britain version to this fear as well. Public hangings were usually carried out on Fridays with 13 steps leading up to the noose.

This Friday is definitely going to be a little exciting for some of us. Well, the only thing I can say is - Enjoy!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Is time flying too fast or too slow at times?

Do you get the feeling that time isn't fair at times? When you're in a boring meeting or classroom, fifteen minutes seems like an hour and when you're in a conversation with a loved one or surfing the net, one hour feels like fifteen minutes.

Time, believed to be universal, no matter the situation, day or place, time would be same for everyone although it is known that clocks aren't perfect and are subjected to errors.

Albert Einstein coined the term time dilation, that is, different speeds of time at different areas. The was known when two atomic clocks were placed at the top and bottom of a water tower. The clock at the top seemed to run fast whereas the one closer to the centre of the earth (the one at the bottom) moved slower.

Another theory by Paul Langevin, called the twin paradox, stated that if a pair twins, in which one of them lived at the top of a mountain and the other and the foot, they would age differently. The one at the top would age quickly while the one at the foot would age slower.

So, just in case you're doing something you like and want it to last, stay as close to the ground as possible. And during boring meetings, try having it in the room and the highest level.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Woman Found Living In A Closet

A Japanese woman was caught hiding in a stranger's closet for over a year in Tokyo. The woman, who claimed to be homeless and strayed into his house when he had left it unlocked and was left undetected for such a long period.

The owner of the house started to get suspicious when he discovered that food was disappearing from his kitchen on a regular basis. As the food continually started to vanish, he took a step forward in stopping it by installing security cameras in his house.

The camera had captured the stranger moving about his house. Believing it to be a burglar, the called the police to take control. The police searched every possible place they could and didn't find the woman until they slid open the top of the closet to discover the woman hiding inside.

The woman says she moved in a mattress into the closet and even took regular showers during her 'stay'.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Illegal Interview Questions

Have you been scared to go to an interview because they ask questions that either screw you up, embarrass you or leave you in a state of dejection? Well, certain questions are illegal, that is, the interviewer has no right to ask you those questions. Some of the common ones include :

  • Questions related to physical or mental disabilities.
  • Questions on age, sex, marital status, religion, beliefs, race etc.
  • Questions about other family members.
  • Questions related to previous criminal records.
  • Questions on sexual preference.
It may be difficult to point out to the interviewer that he/she is not allowed to ask such questions, but since it's the right thing, it should be done. If you're a afraid, then try it in an interview which is not too important to you.