Saturday, January 5, 2008

Get Better Sleep

Insomnia ie. the lack of sleep has been a problem for many. Here's how to get yourself some shut-eye.

  • Don't look at the alarm clock at night. It increases anxiety and obsession about time.
  • Have a bath in hot water. This helps in putting you to sleep.
  • Masturbation or sex is stress reliever at night.
  • Don't use your bedroom for anything else other than sleep and sex. Move the television, Cd's and anything else.
  • Don't use alcohol to put yourself to sleep. It produces a number of sleep-impairing effects in the long run.
  • Avoid forcing yourself to sleep. The very attempt to do so keeps you awake.
Insomnia is not a disease nor is it permanent, so there's nothing to worry about. GOOD NIGHT!

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