Friday, July 18, 2008

Tips for a Healthy Voice

Do you find yourself not thinking about your voice and only exercise your body? Well, you shouldn't be, say the people of the University of Michigan Health System. Our voice is an important aspect of us. It tells about one's personality and emotions and have a positive impact on people.

Methods to keep your voice in shape :

  • Your vocal chords vibrate fast. Keeping them well lubricated is important for your voice. This can be done by drinking enough water and avoiding caffeine. Fruits such as watermelon, peaches, apples, pears, grapes and plums also help in keeping the vocal chords hydrated.
  • Take a break between bursts of speech if you're engaged in talking a lot.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking raising the risk of throat cancer tremendously and inhalation of smoke can irritate the vocal chords.
  • Speak softly and avoid yelling or screaming even if it is a noisy public place.
  • Don't clear your throat too often. You have two vocal chords, which slam against each other when you clear your throat. This can make your voice hoarse. Instead, try sipping a glass of water to clear your throat. In case if this persists, check out with your doctor.

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