Friday, July 25, 2008

Reasons to Volunteer

Volunteering is the one of the most satisfying activities of people. The very feeling that your are helping out a person who is not as fortunate as you are gives an immense feeling of satisfaction. All of us would have done it at some time in our lives and felt the experience. What else do you gain from volunteering?

  • Volunteering involves doing uncommon things to help out other people. This gives an entirely new experience to us which increases creativity and broadens our horizon.
  • Volunteering decreases ignorance and increases understanding of other people. Relationships can flourish under this character.
  • Volunteering removes all barriers between people and gives opportunities to meet different kinds of people.
  • Volunteering removes the stress from hectic personal and business life.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Tips for a Healthy Voice

Do you find yourself not thinking about your voice and only exercise your body? Well, you shouldn't be, say the people of the University of Michigan Health System. Our voice is an important aspect of us. It tells about one's personality and emotions and have a positive impact on people.

Methods to keep your voice in shape :

  • Your vocal chords vibrate fast. Keeping them well lubricated is important for your voice. This can be done by drinking enough water and avoiding caffeine. Fruits such as watermelon, peaches, apples, pears, grapes and plums also help in keeping the vocal chords hydrated.
  • Take a break between bursts of speech if you're engaged in talking a lot.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking raising the risk of throat cancer tremendously and inhalation of smoke can irritate the vocal chords.
  • Speak softly and avoid yelling or screaming even if it is a noisy public place.
  • Don't clear your throat too often. You have two vocal chords, which slam against each other when you clear your throat. This can make your voice hoarse. Instead, try sipping a glass of water to clear your throat. In case if this persists, check out with your doctor.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Memory Exercises

Memory plays a key role in our day-to-day life. It's very important that we remember what we're expected to no matter if we're a student, a worker or a businessman. But do you find yourself forgetting things too often or do you think you've got a good memory but you'd like to make it even sharper. Either way, these tip would help.

  • Listen to music for a while everyday. Most importantly, listen to what you enjoy. Research has found that music does actually enter your brain.
  • Read often, whether it's a novel or a magazine. If you haven't got the time to read novels, then go through your newspaper for at least a little while everyday.
  • Research has found ways that improve your memory in ways you would've originally felt guilty of - the computer! It has been found out that surfing the web can stimulate cells and computer games can strengthen your memory.
  • Take the bus to a place you've hardly been to and concentrate on the route. Try to get back by the same route without asking for directions.
Your first memory assignment should be to learn these tips so that you can use them as you wish!