Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year Resolutions

Wondered about what you should resolve to do for the upcoming year 2008? Here are some useful resolutions to resolve :

  • Exercise at least 5 hours a week to keep your mind & body fresh and alert.
  • Learn something new every week. It can be anything, a new word, a new tactic, advice etc.
  • Be a better person. Smile at people you know when you see them. Spend more time with your family and friends.
  • Take up a hobby and keep doing it. It can be anything you like - a sport, an art etc.
  • Donate some money to charity every month. You will be helping a poor person and also satisfy yourself.
  • Quit smoking, drinking, drugs or any other life damaging habit. It will help your health, relationships and lots more.
You can also add your own resolutions to the list.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008. Have a great year ahead.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Get Rid Of Acne & Pimples

Here are some remedies to get rid of acne or pimples :

  • Don't pick, press or rub your pimples. If you do, you risk spreading the bacteria and increasing the chances of scarring.
  • Go easy on your face. Washing removes oils from the surface of the skin, not from within the plugged ducts.
  • Wash properly once or twice a day, using a mild soap, and rub lightly with your fingertips and warm water. If your skin is oily, use a soap with benzoyl peroxide for its drying properties.
  • Use water-based make-up.
  • Don't rest your chin on your hands or constantly touch your face.
Everybody gets acne and pimples, but it's not a permanent worry as long as it's treated.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Two Way Mirrors

What are Two Way Mirrors?

Two Way Mirrors are just like normal mirrors, only to you. They reflect back light only from the side you look at it. From the other side, it's just a plain glass, you can look through them!

What's the big deal with Two Way Mirrors?

Two Way Mirrors are illegally used in toilets, changing rooms, hotel rooms etc. They are usually attached to the wall with the reflecting surface facing us. They look like ordinary mirrors to us but transparent from the other side. People spy on the public in such a way.

How do we detect Two Way Mirrors?

We cannot detect Two Way Mirrors by simply looking at them. Here is a simple test to identify a two way mirror :

Place the tip of your fingernail against the reflective surface and if there is a gap between your fingernail and the image of the nail, then it is a genuine mirror. However, if your fingernail directly touches the image of your nail, then beware, it is a Two Way Mirror! So remember, every time you see a mirror,do the "fingernail test." It doesn't cost you anything. It is simple to do. This is a really good thing to do. The reason there is a gap on a real mirror, is because the silver is on the back of the mirror UNDER the glass. Whereas with a two-way mirror,the silver is on the Surface. Keep it in mind! Make sure and check every time you enter in hotel rooms. Maybe someone is making a film on you.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Prevent Catching Colds's a common sign with some of us.We catch a cold, our noses start running, our work comes to a stop, it's a big problem.Who says you can't stay away from it.Here are some home tips.

  • Stay away from crowds.Even if you do have to take a longer route, avoid crowded areas if you're prone to cold.
  • Wash you're hand regularly even if you aren't affected at that time.It prevents the bacteria from getting into your body by any means.
  • If you ever need to rub your eyes because of a problem, do it with your knuckles, don't use you're fingers. This prevents eye entering colds (sounds dumb, but it does exist).
  • Before you go to bed every night, gargle warm salt water. It kills diseases forming on your throat.
Those were basic tips for the prevention of cold.
As we all know, "Prevention is better than cure."

Save Money this Christmas

The holiday season is here and you'd expect your wallet to go all out wouldn't you.No,not quite. Here are some ways to keep some cash intact.

  • We know something about business in the holiday season - they give out a lot of discounts. Lots! Find coupons or discount offers on everything your looking to buy.
  • You'd of course want to have that Christmas tree in your house.Look for one which has a long bark (not too long). They cost less and give the appearance of a big one (Cheeky, yes I know, but it works).
  • Those Christmas presents you want to hang out, gift your people 'Do-it-yourself' kits, it adds a more personal touch to the presents and saves you some bucks.
Save cash this Christmas and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Italian couple not allowed to name son 'Friday'

An Italian court has barred an Italian couple from naming their newborn son 'Friday.' The Italian court stated that no "ridiculous or shameful" name shall be given to any child which may cause him being teased or abused later on.

The couple said that they liked the 'Robinson Crusoe' character and wanted to name their son 'Friday' though he was born on a Sunday.

The court decided that the name 'Friday' shall not be used and suggested using 'Gregorio' instead. But the couple are considering appealing against the High court.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tackle Bad Breath

Bad breath is something that always gets into our way.We can't talk freely nor can we get close with people.If you've always wondered how to tackle bad breathe,well here are some tips:

  • Don't allow your mouth to get dry.Foul smelling bacteria often form in your mouth when it's dry.Whenever your mouth feels dry,drink a glass of water.
  • If by any chance you visit the restroom,spit out your saliva in the sink to get rid of any foul smell that may hang on to your saliva.
  • Try chewing some sugarless gum before an important occasion.They are made up of sugar particles such as sorbitol, mannitol or xylitol which does not allow oral bacteria to grow easily.
  • Eating a sandwich? Well,drop in a layer of cheese.Research shows that cheese fights mouth odour.
Bad breath might be a problem for most of us.But it's no big worry, as long as you take some steps to tackle it.

The Brain Has Exploded

Finally...the brain has exploded here at the launch of 'Brain Exploded.' The most important reason why this blog is user-friendly is that it's got no specific topic! It's random interesting info which could also be pretty useful...all down from the brain.

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