Saturday, May 31, 2008

Woman Found Living In A Closet

A Japanese woman was caught hiding in a stranger's closet for over a year in Tokyo. The woman, who claimed to be homeless and strayed into his house when he had left it unlocked and was left undetected for such a long period.

The owner of the house started to get suspicious when he discovered that food was disappearing from his kitchen on a regular basis. As the food continually started to vanish, he took a step forward in stopping it by installing security cameras in his house.

The camera had captured the stranger moving about his house. Believing it to be a burglar, the called the police to take control. The police searched every possible place they could and didn't find the woman until they slid open the top of the closet to discover the woman hiding inside.

The woman says she moved in a mattress into the closet and even took regular showers during her 'stay'.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Illegal Interview Questions

Have you been scared to go to an interview because they ask questions that either screw you up, embarrass you or leave you in a state of dejection? Well, certain questions are illegal, that is, the interviewer has no right to ask you those questions. Some of the common ones include :

  • Questions related to physical or mental disabilities.
  • Questions on age, sex, marital status, religion, beliefs, race etc.
  • Questions about other family members.
  • Questions related to previous criminal records.
  • Questions on sexual preference.
It may be difficult to point out to the interviewer that he/she is not allowed to ask such questions, but since it's the right thing, it should be done. If you're a afraid, then try it in an interview which is not too important to you.